Facebook gets involved in Quebec PoliticsFacebook s’implique dans la politique du Québec

Facebook suspended Rick’s account for 24hrs because he posted Simon Jolin-Barrette’s thesis, a public document. Blocked for sharing an e-mail address and a political news article. This is pure political censorship, an attack to the public’s freedom of political expression.

We removed content you posted We removed the following content you posted or were the admin of because it violates Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities:

comment Pis sa thèse https://docs.google.com/ viewer? a=v&q=cache%3A2nF3rIXEMGYJ% 3Awww2.college em.qc.ca%2Fscienceshumaines% 2Fcarrefoursuiss UEgXQaTf_ T3taJfcO6h3T0FBe2sSC4O3VwOZde_eAo

We removed content you posted We removed the following content you posted or were the admin of because it violates Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities:

comment http:// webcache.googleusercontent.com/ search? q=cache%3A2nF3rIXEMGYJ%3Awww2.colleg em.qc.ca%2Fscienceshumaines%2Fcarrefou

comment simon.jolin-barrette@ville.montreal.qc.ca

comment http://www.faitsetcauses.com/2012/08/ 20/ ici-nous-evoquons-lequite-comme-justice-sociale-une-entrevue-avec-me-simon-jolin-barette

Facebook a suspendu le compte de Rick pendant 24 heures, car il a affiché la thèse de Simon Jolin-Barrette, un document public. Bloqué pour avoir partagé une adresse e-mail et un article de nouvelles politiques. C’est une censure politique, une attaque à la liberté d’expression politique du public.

We removed content you posted We removed the following content you posted or were the admin of because it violates Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities:

comment Pis sa thèse https://docs.google.com/ viewer? a=v&q=cache%3A2nF3rIXEMGYJ% 3Awww2.college em.qc.ca%2Fscienceshumaines% 2Fcarrefoursuiss UEgXQaTf_ T3taJfcO6h3T0FBe2sSC4O3VwOZde_eAo

We removed content you posted We removed the following content you posted or were the admin of because it violates Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities:

comment http:// webcache.googleusercontent.com/ search? q=cache%3A2nF3rIXEMGYJ%3Awww2.colleg em.qc.ca%2Fscienceshumaines%2Fcarrefou

comment simon.jolin-barrette@ville.montreal.qc.ca

comment http://www.faitsetcauses.com/2012/08/ 20/ ici-nous-evoquons-lequite-comme-justice-sociale-une-entrevue-avec-me-simon-jolin-barette

One thought on “Facebook gets involved in Quebec PoliticsFacebook s’implique dans la politique du Québec

  1. The Facebook team received their trainung in censorship from the Joesph Goebbels School of Censorship and is only doing what the NAZIs were doing during their time in POWER.

    Sieg Heil!

    Now get the hell here you Nazi Bastards!

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