Toto Spenser

My name was Toto, but the foster home didn’t like it and called me Spenser, so I’m now known as Toto Spenser!

I am a 1 year old Boston Terrier, the sweetest thing you’ve ever met. Loveable, huggable, kissable, and very mellow. Not your typical hyper Boston, I am the perfect little companion for anyone. I love everyone including kids, and love all critters: dogs, cats, ferrets, anything and anyone.

I can stay alone during the day, am housetrained, not a barker and just perfect.

2 thoughts on “Toto Spenser”

  1. Do you mind if i wanna have some information of Toto? Is this a boy or a girl? Could i have some photos of him (i think that he s a boy! ^^ or maybe not),please? Me and my mom,we really love dogs. We have 3 dogs in Vietnam,and ones of them looks a like Toto. Because it s really hard to apply to do visa for her (my dog in Vietnam),so we can not bring her to Canada. But we still wanna have a dog like her. I have a private room for him now,and about 200m from my house,it has a big park,which is perfect for us to walk,to run,to play together. My mom is a housewife,she has a lot of time to take care of him and gives him a big love. If it s still available to pick him up,could you email me as soon as posible,please? Thank you so much!

  2. Toto a maintenant 6 1/2 ans….il est en super forme et me suis partout ou je vais. Il est mon meilleur ami depuis maintenant plus de 5 ans. :)

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